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Panaseeda uses only the highest quality certified organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, vegan, black seed or black cumin seeds (Nigella Sativa) for their product coupled with their patented press technology TM to extract the oil instead of the more common, potency and freshness-altering grind methods. It is also freshness-secure because it comes in a Miron glass bottle preventing all spectral light from entering; Miron glass allows only the least anti-oxidant, beneficial rays from reaching the oil making this brand the highest quality available on the market. 


Black Cumin oil is a true panacea.  It's been used for thousands of years by advanced ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians.  It cures everything including hypertension, allergies, regulates high blood sugar, arthritis, and other types of inflammation, prevents hair loss, and perhaps the most interesting benefit is black cumin’s effects on superbugs.  A study conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College researchers set out to determine just how potent black seed oil is against some of these superbugs and pared it against several conventional antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Gatifloxacin and Tetracycline.  According to the study, out of 144 strains tested, most of which were resistant to a number of commonly prescribed antibiotics, 97 were inhibited by the oil of black cumin!” Next to oil of oregano, very few things on the planet can boast this type of potency to microbes! The study uncovered that it was especially effective against multi-drug resistant strains of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.


The key to understanding why black cumin seed oil benefits the body in this way is because it is rich in 3 key natural chemicals: thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ) and thymol.


*Please consult with your medical physician prior to use especially if nursing or pregnant


200ml - $55

Panaseeda Organic Black Cumin Oil 250ml

  • Of the many ways that black seed oil benefits the body, the 6 that stand out in scientific studies is its ability to help prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity, hair loss, skin disorders and infections like MRSA.


    Thymohydroquinone – A kin to thymoqinone, thymohydroquinone is one of the most potent natural acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors on the planet. AChE inhibitors are chemicals that stop enzyme activity, which increases the amount of time and the amount of the neurotransmitter acetylecholine remains active in the brain. To give an idea of their usefulness, pharmaceutical-grade acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are used medicinally to treat a wide range of conditions including: 



    Alzheimer’s disease




    Myasthenia gravis

    Neurodegenerative conditions

    Postural Tachycardia Syndrome


    Parkinson’s disease


    Considering that the pharmaceutical approach to these diseases comes at a great cost to the patient, it offers much hope to literally millions to learn that safe, plant-based solutions are a viable alternative!


    Thymol – The active ingredient that gives thyme essential oil its anti-bacterial and anti-viral medicinal properties, thymol is a natural monoterpene that holds a number of useful qualities. 


    Black Cumin is commonly used as a tuberculocide and virucides to kill TB and various other viruses. It is used as a medical and general-purpose disinfectant.  It is a rapidly degrading, non-persisting pesticide.  It is also used in food flavorings, perfumes, mouthwashes, and even cosmetics.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency Thymol is among those pesticides for which EPA believes a broadly reduced set of generic data requirements is appropriate for reregistration. The Agency, therefore, has waived most generic data requirements for thymol with the exception of studies that are considered essential, including additional information about chemical purity, and product chemistry studies.


    Top 7 Black Cumin Seed Oil Benefits:


    Fights Cancer

    Croatian scientists evaluated the antitumor activity of thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone in mice and discovered that the two phytochemicals in black cumin seed oil can result in 52% decrease in tumour cells! 


    Being rich in both chemicals, black cumin seed is unique in that it can help prevent and treat cancer through a variety of mechanisms:



    Apoptosis induction

    Cell cycle arrest

    Reactive oxygen species generation



    According to one study,

    “The anti-tumor effects of thymoquinone have also been investigated in tumor xenograft mice models for colon, prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer. The combination of thymoquinone and conventional chemotherapeutic drugs could produce greater therapeutic effect as well as reduce the toxicity of the latter.”



    Liver restoration

    The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Nearly every toxin in the body gets processed through the liver, and the bile from the liver is the key to digesting fats and keeping your mind and body happy and healthy. For those that have struggled with poor liver function due to medication side effects, alcohol consumption, or disease, black cumin seed oil could greatly speed the healing process. In a recent studies, scientists discovered that black cumin seed oil benefits the function of the liver and helps prevent both damage and disease. (12)


    Fights Diabetes

    Explained in a recent article published by the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers from the Indian Council of Medical Research highlight that black cumin seed oil “causes gradual partial regeneration of pancreatic beta-cells, increases the lowered serum insulin concentrations and decreases the elevated serum glucose.” (13) This is actually quite profound because Nigella sativa is one of the few substances on the planet and is suggested to help prevent both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

    In fact, according to the study, black cumin seed “improves glucose tolerance as efficiently as metformin; yet it has not shown significant adverse effects and has very low toxicity!” This is HUGE because metformin, one of the most commonly prescribed type 2 diabetes drugs, can cause a wide range of side effects including: 



    Flushing of the skin




    Nail changes

    Metallic taste in mouth

    Muscle pain

    Stomach pain



    The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders published a study last June systemically reviewing the literature for plants that have anti-obesity properties and discovered that black cumin seed oil was amongst the most effective natural remedies on the planet.  Not traditionally believed to treat obesity, Nigella sativa is a marvelous anti-inflammatory agent that is known to stimulate weight loss in the same way that it helps diabetics. Specifically, by decreasing these weight gain triggers, black cumin seed oil has helped millions shed excess weight:



    Glucose absorption in the intestine

    Liver gluconeogenesis

    Blood glucose levels





    Probably one of the most unique, black cumin seed oil's ability to help restore hair loss. No one quite understands why it happens, but it’s not too hard to guess that it has something to do with its powerful antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. By strengthening hair follicles, there is very good reason to see how black cumin seed oil can helps promote 

    hair growth as well as strengthen the hair shaft.



    Produced in the retina, choroid and epidermis, melanin are pigments that protect the skin from damage. You probably are most familiar with it being the main chemical responsible for giving our eyes and skin their individual colour. Known to promote and inhibit melanogenesis (melanin production), black cumin seed oil's benefits to the skin and other cells are profoundly regenerating.


    For example, in a recent study conducted by Iranian researchers, Nigella saliva was found as effective as the skin cream Betamethasone in improving quality of life and decreasing the severity of hand eczema. When you consider that black cumin seed oil has virtually no side effects, the benefits of Nigella, in fact, far exceed medical intervention!


    Inhibits superbugs

    Of all the superbugs that black cumin seed oil can kill, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most important. MRSA is plaguing hospitals and nursing homes across the globe because ordinary staph infections are becoming resistant to generic antibiotics. The elderly population is especially at risk because it is generally associated with invasive procedures such as surgeries, IV, and artificial joints. Primarily due to weakened immunity, the growing population of senior citizens has made MRSA a global public health risk.


    Pakistan scientists took several strains of MRSA and discovered that each one was sensitive to N. Sativa, proving that black cumin seed oil can help slow down or stop MRSA from spreading out of control. With all of these health benefits, I cannot think of one reason why everyone on the planet shouldn’t have black cumin seed oil in their medicine cabinets! 


    *Consult with your medical physician prior to use especially if nursing or pregnant.

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